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Christ the healer

If you were dying in an intensive care unit, and you learned that another person could willingly carry your affliction so you could return to your family and live a healthy life, you allow the transfer of the disease.


Under the Old covenant, on the 10th day of the month the high priest stood before God on Yom Kippur according to lev 22:27, God designed this day as a time of national fasting and repentance.

One activity during Yom Kippur involved 2 identical goats that were brought before the high priest.


Jesus became both the scapegoat and the sacrificial goat.

Jesus was crucified as the burnt offering and was the scapegoat for the sins of the world. 


Thus, the transference of sin and sickness occurred and Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins.


This man was healed by the power of God at Pastor Mike's healing crudade in Moshi Tanzania. Listen to his testimony.

This man lost his job as a school teacher when he was injured. He has been homeless for over a decade until he attend Pastor Mike's healing crusade in Tanzania Africa. After his healing he received his teaching job back. Praise Jesus!!

Spirit Life Online Media

Media Recording Information 
These messages were recorded in the sanctuary of Spirit Life Worship Church. Additional sermons are available.

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