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Our Beliefs and Vision

We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons; the Father, theSon, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe the Holy Scriptures to be the Inspired Word of God and the final authority for faith in life.


Our Vision
To build a sanctuary of worship in Palm Coast, Florida, where the congregation of God's Saints can reach new heights in offering up to the Lord the highest praises, both through song and the teachings of God's Word. To educate both young and old in the uncompromising Word of Truth and wipe out Biblical illiteracy through the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to see God's healing and saving power mainifested by His Spirit in our community, our nation and around the world, for the glory of God.

And, finally, to share the Gospel with every tribe and tongue and people, and to offer to the inquirer salvation through a believing faith in our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


Our Purpose 
Leading and Maturing the "Bride of Christ" through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, equipping them for their ministry by the gifts of the Spirit, magnifying Jesus through the love of the Spirit, a life mission in the world of discipleship through the unity of the Holy Spirit. John 4:24 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth." (NKJ)


Baptism after salvation publicly demonstrates to others that we are committed to the Lord. It is an outward expression of an inward conviction. Matthew 28:19-20 declares that we should baptize disciples in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. At Spirit Life we perform full body immersion. Sometimes in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean!


Is a free gift and a gracious act of God. It is not based upon man's good deeds or by church attendance. God offers forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ alone. John 3:3, Rom. 6:23


Spirit Life often celebrates the Lord's supper at least once a month or as the Holy Spirit leads. Those who partake must examine the heart to ensure they are in right relationship with Him. (1 Cor. 11:28) Spirit Life will never exclude anyone from sharing in communion.

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Spirit Led Church Palm Coast Florida

© Spirit life Worship Ministries, Inc. 2023


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